The Chosen :: A Buffy virtual series continuation

One of our earlier breakdowns, and with this one you can see the scene assignments between myself and Ultrace. I was in something of an odd mood when I wrote this, which I think is somewhat apparent. A lot of the stuff below is very off-the-cuff, as I was keen to get down any and all ideas I had that Mike may want to use in his scenes.

Episode 6 Breakdown

  • Teaser
    • MIKE: Buffy dreaming about the zombies. They're asking for help, but this shouldn't be apparent yet – however there has to be enough of a hint in there for our guys to start research.
      • BREAK: Buffy waking up.

  • Act One:
    • MIKE: Next morning, Buffy talking to the others about her dream. In attendance: Buffy, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Kennedy. Buffy thinks the dream might have some meaning and relates all the details she can. Will makes notes and promises to start working on it. Dawn needs to leave the room at some point, at which time either Will or Xand make a joke and start laughing hilariously at it – something that happened while Buffy was gone. They try to explain it, but, as always with in-jokes, it's not possible. Dawn comes back while they're doing this and she instantly gets it and they all start laughing again. You may want to have Kennedy have left at this point, that's on you, but I think she should be there in the beginning to remind us all that, hey, she IS part of the household.
    • NIKKI: Buffy goes to Giles to talk about how left out she's feeling, as well as set up a new training schedule with him. She discovers that he's pretty busy with Faith at the moment (including setting up a training schedule with HER), and sort of brushes Buffy off – not cruelly, but he doesn't realize that she's feeling bad and she doesn't correct him.
    • NIKKI: Will and Xander doing research on Buffy's dream. They segue into talking about how they feel about Buffy being back.
    • MIKE: Night 2, dream 2. More intense, more disturbing, and maybe another clue or two?
      • BREAK: Either Buffy waking up or some sort of climactic point of the dream.

  • Act Two:
    • NIKKI: Next morning. Buffy tells more about the dreams. Will & Xand cracked it. Yippee, we have the information!
    • MIKE: Buffy at Slayer Central, trying to order some newbies around (probably on something to do with the info Will turned up). The newbies balk at taking orders from Colonel Buffy. Faith comes in: What's going on? She's telling us to do stuff! So why the hell aren't you doing it? They scuttle off. Buffy's feathers are way ruffled. Faith calls her on thinking she can just waltz in and everyone'll fall at her feet. (Faith shouldn't be too bitchy about this, but she's gotta be feelin' pretty good. For once, she has a secure place and Buffy's the one that, ostensibly, doesn't belong. In other words, Faith may not be a bad guy any more, but she and Buffy have a rich history of hatred, and that doesn't just go away.)
    • MIKE: In any order, these two things need to happen: Willow talks to Giles about doing the Mogari spell a few days from now (some reason she can't do it right now [or before now] ... planetary alignment, herbs need to soak and purify, something, who cares what?) Also should mention here how Giles will be her anchor, and make a point to note how important it is she have one because of the distances she might have to travel/planes she might have to visit. (ie, pre-justify why she can't use Kennedy – it's not a personal choice, she really, really can't.) Second thing that needs to happen: Giles gets more information about the disappearing Slayers. Something to provide a few more clues as to what's going on. Maybe make mention of a mystical clue?
    • NIKKI: Buffy, acting on info from Will, goes to the hospital to check on the status of the coma patient. They checked out X number of days ago and we have no idea where they are now.
    • NIKKI: Willow making initial preparations for the Mogari spell. Judith finds her. She's interested. VERY interested.
      • BREAK: Judith making some appropriately ominous comment.

  • Act Three:
    • NIKKI: Buffy at home when Giles and Dawn return home from their regular father/daughter-esque shopping trips. Dawn plans to leave again almost immediately when Buffy stops her. Xander intercedes – he already said it was okay. Much conflict! Fight!
    • NIKKI: Willow in her room making further preparations. Kennedy assumes she will be Will's anchor. Uhh ... no.
    • MIKE: Dream #3. Final clues here, something that will point Buffy to where Zombie Master is. Shouldn't be something as simple as "He's at his house. Duh."
    • MIKE: Faith & Kennedy, re: Magic. This should lay groundwork and provide reasonable motivations for Kennedy to try to do the spell she does in Ep7.
    • NIKKI: Buffy, using her noodle, tracks down the Zombie Master. Hi there!
      • BREAK: Buffy finds the Master (sans fruit punch mouth)

  • Act Four:
    • NIKKI: Buffy talks with the zombie master. You can't go home again. Project much?
    • NIKKI: Buffy goes home, ready to take her own advice, only to find that Will and Xander have also decided to make things better. Group hug! Movie night!
    • MIKE: The others wait while Willow goes into Slayer Central to find Kennedy. It's late and there aren't many people around; neither is Kennedy. (Maybe to cheer Kennedy up, Faith suggests that they go somewhere?) She's looking, looking ... Overhears Judith, knows something's bad. Gets a whiff of magic being used, tries to trace it back ... Alarm bells! KILL HER.
    • MIKE: Judith beating the crap outta Willow. (I'm guessing we'll have to make this totally a ‘got the drop on' situation, as Willow SHOULD be more than a match for a Slayer really, so maybe go for an immediate head shot to disorient? <shrug>) Buffy and Xander enter, wonder what the hold up was. Switch to Buffy beating the crap outta Judith while Xander tends to Willow. Judith is going to lose, no question. Knowing this, the Dark Coven ignite the symbol and Judith starts to burn. It would be good if we could have Willow see this symbol too, but if not, we can just assume that Buffy drew it for them. We'll need a very good description of this thing so we'll know it when we see it on Tara later. I also like the idea of being able to hear the DC through the symbol, so we can have some ominous parting words for our heroes. Judith fries.
      • BREAK: The DC is evil. You can tell this by their parting shots.

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  Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all such related things, © Mutant Enemy and many other people with big scary lawyers.
We're borrowing them without permission, but you said you were done with 'em, so we're hoping you won't mind so much.
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